How to Remineralize Water – RO Water
Much has been said about reverse osmosis; it’s the process of filtering water through various membranes to remove impurities and unwanted substances. While it can be a very efficient and effective way to purify water, it does lack in one important aspect: minerals. Given that RO filters out things such as calcium, magnesium, sulfates, nitrates, and other minerals that your body needs daily (250mg of calcium alone), this method leaves a lot to be desired.
How can I get my RO Water back?
Fortunately, there is an easy solution for this problem: simply add minerals back into your body by using a process called remineralization. Think of it as putting minerals back into the water after it has been purified.
How do I add minerals to reverse osmosis water?
The first step is to find an ionic remineralizer that has a pH balance near neutral. This will help ensure that the water doesn’t become too acidic. Next, set the level of minerals in the water by reading the instructions on the bottle. Finally, pour the solution into your filter and enjoy! The RO water should now taste more pleasant and contain minerals that are healthy for your body.
How can I get more calcium in my reverse osmosis water?
The easiest way to get more calcium into your water is to use a remineralizing solution. The common ingredient in these solutions is calcium chloride, which you can buy at most drugstores. When adding these to the water, be sure that you are careful with how much you pour so that it doesn’t become too acidic.
Due to the shortcomings of RO, many people have turned to bottled water. This, however, may not be a sustainable solution for everyone and has an environmental impact socially and economically speaking. Dealing with RO water is the best way to go since it provides health benefits while also being environmentally friendly and cost-effective.
Comment below if you have a solution for remineralizing reverse osmosis water. If not, let’s brainstorm together and see what we come up with! How can I get my RO Water back? Reverse Osmosis (RO) is very popular because it removes the chemicals from your drinking water that may be harmful to your health. However, some people find themselves at the end of their supply of RO filters or need to know how they can enhance the taste again by adding minerals in order to enjoy their drink more often. Here are three ways you could go about doing this today: Add Calcium Chloride; Get More Minerals; Use A Salt-Free Carbon Filter System To Improve The Taste Of Your Drinking
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